The Points System Explained

You'll often hear people referring to the points system or the total number of points in a vat, but what does it mean, and how do you find out what the number of points allocated to a particular fish or vat is? Read on.

In the most straightforward terms, the points system is a way of ensuring that a vat doesn't get overloaded; each size vat has a maximum allowable points total, and each size class is allocated a points value.

It's important to remember that not every show will use the same points allocation structure and not every show will allow the same amount of points in a specific vat size, there are many reasons for this but typically, changes to maximum points allowances are based on known water parameters, staffing levels at the show etc in short, it's all down to what the show organisers know they can allow as a maximum whilst maintaining good water quality.

All shows staged under the UKKPU Show Rules & Guidelines (all BKKS shows) are advised the following maximums per vat:

Vat Size Max Points Max Fish
2.0mtr 32  9
2.5mtr 50 14
2.8mtr 62 17
3.0mtr 72 20

with the following being the related no. of points per fish size

Koi Size Points
1 1
2 1.5
3 2
4 3.5
5 6
6 9
7 13
8 16

So, as you can see from the tables, finding the total number of points in a vat is simply a case of adding up the number of koi in each size, allocating them their respective points and doing the maths, as an example, if you had a 2.5mtr vat you would know that the most you could have within the vat would be 14 fish with a maximum points total of 50 points if you, therefore, planned to exhibit 3 size 6 fish, 2 size 5 fish and 3 size 3 fish you would know that those fish would equate to just 8 fish and 45 points and thus be well within limits advised.

Remember, never assume that the vat you've booked will allow X points, always check this and the points per koi structure with the show organisers.

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