Chairmans Blog - May 2022
Date: 30/06/2022

AGM & Show Season 2022!

May seems to have flown by, although the weather for the most has left much to be desired.  Our AGM took place at The Heart of England Conference Centre, and it was nice to see a few of the National Show Committee and some of our Members in attendence.

Various items were discussed, and I am pleased to confirm that I received some good support from our Members, and was duly voted in as BKKS Chairman.  The Committee and I remain committed to deliver on our big ticket items; new website, membership benefit improvements and open and honest communication.

Formalities aside, I don’t know about you, but I’m really looking forward to a packed show calendar this year.  After the last couple of years I hope to get away during August, once again visiting the Dutch Koi Show.

We lived in Holland during the mid-80’s, and I spent a number of years going to school in Amsterdam.  The Dutch have a real passion for Nishikigoi, evidenced by the interest and visitor numbers their Show generates year on year.

The BKKS National Show is shaping up to be a great weekend, the Show Committee have a couple of exciting things up their sleeve and by the time you read this, they will have been announced on Social Media!

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Our BKKS Sections have a number of shows planned; I will be attending Crouch Valley’s Show and I’d like to try and visit Sunderland, to attend the North East’s. I also hope to be up in Newark over the August Bank Holiday weekend, for Yorkshire’s new Open Show. You can find all of these shows and the details in our Calendar.

I mention it a lot, but a show is great place to make new friends and talk to like minded hobbyists and dealers. Numerous vats filled with probably some of the best Nishikigoi in the U.K. just tops off a cracking day!

June is going to get busy quickly, given the Exhibitor Representative and Benching Admin roles I fulfil for the National Show. Please bear with me into June, and more specifically with Junes’ Blog.

I hope you all have a great Summer and we start to get some better ambient temperatures!


Become A BKKS Member

If you are not currently a member of the BKKS, we actively encourage you to join and become part of the future developments. The current Full UK BKKS annual membership subscription is just £20.00!