Chairman's Blog - March 2023
Date: 31/03/2023

All work and no play...

I need to keep this months Blog short and sweet; it's a busy weekend for The Society, with the AGM on the horizon, and various other pressing actions.

On the hobby front, it was the 39th All Japan Young Koi Show last weekend.

If you managed to get a look at the Grand Champion Kohaku (Momotaro), it certainly appeared a worthy winner with super skin, and a great structure (videos can sometimes be misleading!)

GC B was a particularly nice Goshiki, via Konishi Koi Farm.


(Photo courtesy of Jane Maneerat)

In other news, I'm pleased to let you know that Emma-Jayne David has been appointed Chair of the Celtic Koi Club.

Emma has held a number of positions on our Committee's over the years, is always a friendly ear at the All England or National Koi Shows, and I'm sure will do the Club proud - congratulations Emma.

We have also been looking at a new style National Show Pin, moving to a more satisfying body shape then our previous pins - more on that next month.

Easter is looming and hopefully the weather picks up; this is usually the time for my annual fish check over and measure up. It's nice to be able to do that without getting ludicrously soaked.

Whatever you are up to, have a great Easter.


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