Chairman's Blog - June 2024
Date: 09/07/2024
That’s a wrap!

Thank you for attending the 44th National Koi Show, if you missed it, where were you!

We were fortunate with the weather, Sunday was a bit drab but overall the weekend went well, and was well attended by trades, hobbyists and members of the public.

To the 50 exhibitors and 397 fish; we thank you for exhibiting and we hope you also enjoyed the weekend.

Matt Stevens (Show Chair) and the Show Committee are already thinking about next years date, and it goes without saying that our Show Team perform a Herculean mission in the five or so days prior to the Weekend, of which we are all grateful.

Our Grand Champion is a 88cm Kohaku, owned by Carmen & Ian Jenkins, and supplied by Yumi Koi Japan.


As always, a huge thank you to Liam Bess; why not head over to World of Nishikigoi to check out Liam's 44th National Koi Show Blog

Post Show Thoughts…

One of the areas I’ve discussed with various individuals, including both past and present Show Chair’s, is a clear wish for ‘Japan to be more involved.’

Getting Japan more involved is something I’m also passionate about, although the practicalities and costs are somewhat daunting.

What everyone likes to forget, is that this is a hobby and we are hobbyists. We are not a paid trade or government body, and we look to do what is best for the hobbyist (if you must know; I would like to see a Trade Body in the U.K. but that’s for another Blog.)

The National Show Committee looked to answer this groundswell with the introduction of the Shinkokai Award, which has proved hugely popular - a good gauge of sentiment if you need one.

I’ve been championing the involvement of the ZNA during my tenure as Society Chair, going so far to spend a few hours talking to the Vice Chair in Tokyo earlier this year. In fact we have broad cross committee agreement that will see greater participation (of the ZNA) at The National Show moving forward.

When it comes to other outside organisations like the Shinkokai, we should be engaging them in useful dialogue. They are after all, made up of breeders and dealers from whom, we ultimately purchase our fish.

However, we do need to remember Japan is 'configured' a little differently to the U.K.

The Shinkokai are a Japanese Government Trade Body, tasked with promoting Nishikigoi, and who have a mandate to promote Nishikigoi, and increase exports. The Shinkokai also organise koi shows each year, with the most well known being The All Japan Koi Show held in Ota City, Tokyo.

ZNA chapter koi shows take place throughout the year across Japan, and these chapters are very similar to our clubs or sections here in the U.K.

As a side, Zen Nippon Arinkai (ZNA) and The British Koi Keepers Society (BKKS) both share a similar history, and operate in almost identical ways.

I’m not suggesting I have all the answers, but I am clear that having this breadth of experience and knowledge, would be of significant benefit to the hobbyist show scene in the U.K.

Join in the conversation; if you agree, disagree, or think I’m just barking up the wrong tree, feel free to drop me an email with your thoughts.

The next U.K. koi show takes place in Scotland at the end of this month, swiftly followed by the Crouch Valley koi show (Essex) - check our Events page for details.

Whatever you are up too, stay safe and enjoy the hobby.


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