Chairman's Blog - December 2022
Date: 30/12/2022

I hope you all had a great Christmas.  A New Year provides a good time for reflection.

We leave 2022 in a good place with new Chair’s of the Society, the Show and Judges Committee’s.  An improved website and member experience alongside increased National Koi Show visitor numbers.

On a personal level and having visited or volunteered at a number of BKKS Shows this year (apologies to the North-East and West Wales Sections), the continued dedication shown by our Sections and their respective club members was great to witness first hand.

Our Show Committee continue to build on the success of July's National Koi Show, announcing a new Dealer's Show for 2023.

We fully appreciate the current cost climate, in light of this we we have agreed not to increase either our Membership or Section Fee for 2023.

Always more to do, but we can close 2022's chapter in a positive light.

Cold enough..

December's cold snap was perhaps a little unwelcome for some, we didn't fair too badly in the South-East (-8).

Seemingly a number of hobbyists struggling with frozen filters (outside).  It may sound obvious, but planning a simple shed, polytunnel (or a custom designed filter house) makes a tangible difference during these sorts of weather extremes - add in some heating and you have the perfect winter bolt hole!

Some prior planing may be required (e.g. drain runs, power and water), but do give some thought to adding something that protects you, and your equipment from the elements.

Again perhaps an obvious comment, but regularly overlooked, lag any external cold water feeds with Climaflex (-45) or similar.

New Year New You - Hiring Now!

Both our BKKS and National Show Committee's are made up of volunteers, all seasoned and dedicated hobbyists.

This year we have welcomed Peter Walker as our Equipment Officer, with our Show Committee welcoming Matthew Stevens.

We do have some vacant Committee position's that we’d like to fill.  If you have some experience in the hobby, and are prepared to give up some of your free time, please get in touch.

All that's left for me to do, is to wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year.


Feel free to get in touch via

Become A BKKS Member

If you are not currently a member of the BKKS, we actively encourage you to join and become part of the future developments. The current Full UK BKKS annual membership subscription is just £20.00!