Chairman's Blog - July 2023
Date: 31/07/2023
Up's & Down's...

I had a great 10 days away after the National Show, however returning home to our glorious British weather was a bit of a shock!

Things don’t stand still for long, and most will have seen last weeks announcement surrounding our show committee vacancies.  If you are interested in getting involved, information can be found on the National Show’s social pages.

Don’t forget you can find all the images of our Major Awards here:

National Koi Show 2023 Major Awards

We also managed to get some great drone footage on the Saturday morning of the show:

National 2023 Drone Footage

Over the show weekend, Paul and I also took the opportunity of thanking Carmen Jenkins; Carmen was our Show Treasurer up until last year.

Carmen has been a long time supporter of the National Show, and we all wish Carmen well.


From a Society perspective, we are in somewhat of a summer break, with our Society Committee meetings not restarting until mid August.

There are various Section and other koi shows planned for both August and September, please do show them your support - you can find details of all of these shows by scrolling down on our homepage, or by checking the Events Section of the website.

This weekend marks the return of the Scottish Koi Show, I do hope our weather is kinder, as this is the only other outdoor koi show in the calendar.

During August we will be providing our usual Members and Section email updates; there are a few things to cover, and we'll get this delivered as soon as we can.

As a side, the National Koi Show 2024 Programme will appear in our online Members Area shortly.

From my perceptive, I'll be at the Crouch Valley Koi Show on Saturday and Sunday (4th/5th August). I then have some time off work at the end of August, but back benching the South East Club's All England Koi Show, at the end of September.

We all lead busy lives, and your wellbeing is paramount; if you can find time to get away, switch off and relax, it will pay dividends - if you are going away, I hope you find some better weather.

Until next month, enjoy the hobby and stay safe.


Feel free to get in touch via

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If you are not currently a member of the BKKS, we actively encourage you to join and become part of the future developments. The current Full UK BKKS annual membership subscription is just £20.00!